Sunday 15 March 2009

Death & Denial.......

We went out last night to Foxbridge golf club - where there was a Murder Mystery evening planned. I must admit I wasn't really looking forward to going, however the evening was great. We had a super 3 course meal, in between each course we had a company of actors who were acting out a play, throughout which you had to guess who carried out the murder , pick up any clues & guess where the jewels were hidden. There was a competition to see who guessed correctly & for the best limerick.
Our team managed to guess the correct murderer & some of the clues- so we got a certificate & bottle of wine! One of the actors had only been part of the play since monday, kept forgetting his lines & making some up as he went, which added to the evening & made it funnier! Everyone had a great evening - maybe will have to do something like this for the neighbours meal I am supposed to be arranging for us- although don't know where we could do something like this, as I won't get everyone around my dining room table!! Oh well, have to put my thinking cap back on again.

Teresa xx

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